these pictures are from 4/30, my 3rd day, in Vina Del Mar. this was my first "professional" day. it turned out to be a great day. because im a terrible american and didnt learn spanish i was provided with a translator. a very nice guy named Paul who is from Napa and is in Chile on a Rotary scholarship. he is here for a year, and got the great pleasure of being my translator. you can imagine how excited a 26 year old guy would be about having to go around with a fashion designer all day, but i think in the end we both had a lot of fun. and Paul now knows more about fashion than he ever needed. When he is not spending time in the world of fashion translation he is studying and more importantly working on his project with his fellow scholars. here is the link to their website it is a great cause, and something worth looking at and maybe even sending a check :)
the first place we went to was a factory where they make pantyhose. Yes, pantyhose. are you remembering that my translator is a guy? yes, it was as funny as you are imaging. really though, it was fascinating. i had a blast. the whole place is mechanised and they have a machine for everything!
this first picture is of the most important machine in the whole joint. the crotch machine. for those of you who have never worn pantyhose, there is a cotton crotch in pantyhose, so your nana can breathe. this is the machine that puts those in there. i even took a video! i know i mentioned it already, but having Paul there made it even better, how do you say "crotch machine" in spanish? ;)
this was the machine that took the 2 seperate legs and sewed them together
this was the machine that made the legs, that cotton candy looking stuff in the tube on the right is the thread
this is the nice man who showed Paul and i around. he is the head of security for the factory. i totally forgot his name but i have it written down somewhere. that super cool looking old building in back of us is their offices. it was really cool.
that evening we had the rotary meeting for the Concon club.
this picture is of my first family. they were all so sweet, we love them. Piera the 13 year old really wanted to come to the meeting, but we convinced her it was just a bunch of old men and that she should stay home :)
this is me giving the president the flag from my sponsor club
this is us, being us
so something that has been going on in Chile while we have been here is that almost all the universities are on strike. here is a picture of the tire fires that were being burned by students outside of a campus
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