hi all
its me! So, here we are on 5/6 in Quillota. This is a long day, so there are a lot of photos.
First we went to local government. Quillota is the capital of the "province" or State. So we met with the governer of the state of Quillota, as well as the mayor of the city of Quillota. The government in Chile is different than ours, there are no real individual states rights as i understand it, all laws are federal laws. The governer is not elected but is appointed by the President and their job is to see that the federal laws are carried out in their state. The mayor however is elected. (you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)

this is us with the governer

this is the governer and his wife

this is me smiling at the camera in my really attractive uniform

this is us with the mayor

this is me and Dora giving the governer a book about LA and OC. its in spanish dont worry.
so after local government we changed and went and had lunch at the house where the palta plantation was.

an artsy photo

the courtyard of the house

me and dana. im drinking a mango sour, shes drinking ginger ale

all of us in the courtyard

the guys

the inside of the house, it was so beautiful, it was absolutely amazing.

maggie and i being serenaded by the man of the house
so, next we went to the cavalry school. it was so beautiful. and remember how i said the cute guys were in quillota?

we were driven around the school in this horse drawn carriage. it was so cool.

and our guide. what a cutie. short with freckles, the way i like them.

me, dora and maggie. Dora takes really good "long arm photos"

the hottie guide, the plantation owner, and my papi. doesnt my papi look cute in his tie?

hottie guide, with a permanent smirk


this building is the officers mess. Anyone other than Tera just start singing Evita? Kari?

the inside of the officers mess. Beautiful. our guide said that they have weddings there on the campus, really it was gorgeous.

this is a replica of the highest horse jump on record, it was done here back in the 50s or something

military boys

another building on the campus

us in front of the officers mess

snow whites house. not really.
ok. after the cavalry school we went to the most interesting place. it is the house of a Chilean author that they call the "sheriff of Quillota". He loves Texas and MExico and this is the dudes house. totally not a joke, the guy actually lives like this. its awesome!

this is the outside of his house

this is maggie standing by the side of the guys barn

this is a room in his house

this is the sheriff with Maggie. he loved Maggie. He loves Mexico. i dont count as a Mexican here in Chile. Maggie's not mexican either but her parents are and she speaks spanish. my parents are from Norwalk. almost the same thing.

the sheriff, notice the star?

artwork and pictures of the sheriff

this is the plantation owners daughter, she came with us. notice i said daughter and not granddaughter, scroll back up to the picture of him playing the piano if you need a refresh.

this is the sheriff autographing one of his books for maggie. notice he has no thumb on his right hand. that is because his horse bit it off. i couldnt make this stuff up if i tried.

dana and i at the bar in the sheriffs house

the bar, seriously

and jesus. in the middle of the street. these people love them some jesus.